
Did you know:

Measuring air velocity and flow rate is essential for evaluating and optimizing airflow conditions, ensuring comfort, improving energy efficiency, maintaining quality and complying with regulations in various applications and industries. These measurements help control the airflow and ensure the desired conditions for people, processes and products.
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Did you know:

Noise measurement is important to ensure the health and safety of employees, to assess the impact on the environment and to comply with legal standards and regulations regarding noise levels.


Consulting specialists for advice is important when expertise and in-depth knowledge are required in this area. Contact us without obligation.
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Did you know:

Gas detection is critical to protecting people and property from the hazards of hazardous and toxic gases. It provides early warnings, helps prevent explosion hazards and minimizes health risks, contributing to a safer working environment.


Consulting specialists for advice is important when expertise and in-depth knowledge are required in this area...

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Did you know:

Safety and environmental measurement equipment plays a critical role in assessing risk, ensuring regulatory compliance, monitoring working conditions, protecting the environment and gaining insight through research and analysis. It contributes to ensuring safety and minimizing environmental impact in various environments and sectors.



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Cirrus: Thinking outside the box with "Quantum"

Thinking outside the box with Quantum

6th January 2020 Exhibitions, Motorsport, News & Press Releases

We’re launching our brand-new cloud-based noise monitoring solution at Autosport International Engineering.


More than just a black box, Quantum is a noise monitoring...

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